Most people do not realize that you need over 12 different neuro-vision skills to succeed in reading, learning, sports and in life . . . Only one of those skills is basic visual acuity (your 20/20 eyesight).
Vision – definition
Vision input – intake of visual information through the two eyes to see one world
- specific skills include balanced visual acuity, eye teaming, focusing and eye tracking
Vision information processing – interpretation of the visual world
- creates Visual GPS map of what and where, you and things, are in the world
- specific skills include visual spatial, visual processing-speed and visual memory
Attention (cognition) – definition
Initially, attention is directed to a desired task as neuro-vision inputs are processed to create a visual-GPS map of where you and things are in the world. The body-action is driven by engaging existing neuro-codes (muscle memory); importantly the remaining attention reserves are allocated to neuro-learning which enhances the neuro-code via feedback to improve the performance on the next cycle.
Neuro-learning – attention relies on existing muscle-memory (neuro-code) to complete the task then allocates un-tapped attention resources to review the task-outcome with feedback to improve performance on the next cycle.
Attention-Filter – attention actively ignores the ample unrelated information available.
Performance (action) – definition
Performance is a measure of what you can achieve with your body. “What can be measured, can be improved” is a paraphrase from Peter Drucker. Whether it is reading skill and comprehension taken in by your detailed reading eye movements, shooting a basket ball in a net, placement in a dance group, riding a bike or you walking to open a door.
NeuroVision Leads Performance
The NeuroVision process includes:
- taking-in visual information of the world
- then this relevant visual information is neuro-processed (space, speed and memory) to be available to interpret the world. This interpretation is like a visual-GPS map of where you and things are in the world.
This NeuroVision connection is fuel for performance. It fuels reflex-actions (like standing or posture-control, and walking) and self-directed performance for school, work, sports or life – at any age.
Better performance at school, work, sports or life, hinges on better eye-brain connection, that is, eliminating visual disruption patterns. NeuroVision skill improvement is rapidly available with training, sustained with use and accessible at any age. Improved NeuroVision skills improve your quality of life and health: see better, feel better and look better.
What is your aspirational NeuroVision connection for better quality of life and health?
Attention Drives Performance
Attention means you want to do something which is self-directed and you allocate your attention to the desired action, overlooking ample unrelated visual cues.
For example, you decide to walk towards a door, and open it by turning a doorknob, walk through and close it. Your attention initiates the process, NeuroVision creates a visual GPS map of you and the door. Then relevant neuro-codes are activated (neuro-processing) and the action is completed – repeated performance is improved with neuro-learning (e.g., muscle memory).
Example in detail, first, attention drives you to open the door – you want to open the door; a self-directed action.
Next, the NeuroVision process leads the performance by interpreting the world into a visual-GPS map; that is, where you and the door are in the world. Importantly, attention ignores the ample unrelated information available.
Over time, opening the door is easier and faster when historical experiences are automatically referenced (e.g., muscle memory). In fact, the more neuro-efficient the process becomes, the more your performance improves.
As door-opening experiences accumulate the neuro-code (e.g., muscle memory) is refined and enhanced and becomes automatically referenced to drive performance – significantly freeing-up neuro-attention resources for next-level processing. This is learning, or neuro-plasticity, and the basis of how performance improvements are driven by attention (you want to do it).
Better performance at school, work, sports or life, hinges on better eye-brain connection, that is, eliminating visual disruption patterns. Next, performance rises to the next-level with attention relying on the automatic access of neuro-codes for action. Then importantly, neuro-learning allocates the untapped attention resources, via feedback on task-outcome, to enhance the established neuro-codes for the next cycle and improved performance.
This neuro-learning is rapidly available with training, sustained with use and accessible at any age.
Improved levels of NeuroVision skills and allocation of attention for neuro-learning allow for better quality of life and health: see better, feel better and look better
Are you experiencing dizziness, headaches, anxiety, neck pain or reading difficulties?
It may be your eye-brain connection:
Contact Us For More NeuroVision Screening Info
- 506 Kerr Street, Oakville, ON L6K 3C5
- (905) 338-2020
- (905) 338-9192