Most people do not realize that you need over 12 different neuro-vision skills to succeed in reading, learning, sports and in life . . . Only one of those skills is basic visual acuity (your 20/20 eyesight).
Good news – 9 out 10 patients drive their neuro-learning to meet their aspirational visually-fit goals for school, work, sports or life – at any age!
Your results from the NeuroVision Screening will be shown to you for your review. Next Dr. Gall wants to understand your aspirational visually-fit goals and then customize your plan from a full list of solution options. Each of the management considerations will be fully reviewed with you including the pros & cons of each treatment and its outcome, and the pros & cons of not choosing the treatment. This discussion of each treatment possibility is important and part of your informed consent of treatments offered by Dr. Gall; ultimately the chosen treatment plan is patient-directed by you, yet guided and customized by Dr. Gall.
To enhance your eye-brain connection, limit visual disruption patterns and improve performance in life – at any age, Dr. Gall customizes your solution from a list of considerations directed by you:
– standard optical correction
– neuro-optics
– guided home vision therapy
– 3-months of home-based vision therapy
– 5 vision therapy session at the office
– initial, Day 1
– at 1 week, 1 month, 2 month and 3 month
– finish with a NeuroVision Screening and review
– office-based with home support activities
– requires an Initial Assessment for candidacy for vision therapy
– 2 hours of testing of 12 NeuroVisual skills
– 6 on the intake of visual information
– 6 on the processing of the visual information
– presented for your review on a 2-graphs
– called the Profile of NeuroVision signs and symptoms
– presented in a 20-page written report
– Blocks of vision therapy are 6 weeks long
– office sessions are two-times per week for youth and children
– once per week for adults and highly motivated youth
– home support activities 5 days per week
– 3 to 6 home activities 15 to 30 minutes per day
– end of Block evaluation results are plotted on the Initial Assessment Profile for you to review your progress
– generally, you may need 2 to 4 Blocks of vision therapy
Vision therapy is a doctor-directed plan, vision therapist guided and patient-activated. You are the “engine” that makes the success happens. Dr. Gall has a protocol called “Goals for Success’ which indicates to the patient the procedures to complete before next session. Over time, given your standard effort your aspirational visual-fit level will be reach. If less than standard effort is provided, then progress will be made, yet just not a the most rapid rate.
Dr. Gall cares and listen to your needs, and is excited when you reach your potential and achieve success.
Remember, good news – 9 out 10 patients drive their neuro-learning to meet their aspirational visually-fit goals for school, work, sports or life – at any age!
Are you experiencing dizziness, headaches, anxiety, neck pain or reading difficulties?
It may be your eye-brain connection:
Contact Us For More NeuroVision Screening Info
- 506 Kerr Street, Oakville, ON L6K 3C5
- (905) 338-2020
- (905) 338-9192