Oakville Centre for Vision

Review Your Objective Findings

A One-Page Report with Dr. Gall

The eye-brain connection is the fuel for your vision-leading and attention-driving performance in sports - at any age.

The Athlete Neuro-Vision Screening which tests for your visual distortion pattern limiting your sports performance.
This 15 minute screening includes 1 NeuroVision symptom questionnaire, 1 Sports Confidence Index and 6 objective tests.

Sports Confidence Inventory

13 questions regarding your level of confidence in your sport-ability, sport-IQ and sport resilience..

NeuroVision Quality Scale

9 questions relating to your Quality of Life and NeuroVision.

Balance Visual Acuity

Compares your visual acuity of each eye.

Horizontal Alignment

Repeated re-alignment of your eyes on a target after position disturbance.

Eye Tracking

Determines your ability to follow a moving object or quickly look and attend between two targets with your eyes; both skills relate to reading, computer work and sports

Eye Focus

Repeated re-focus on a target of your eyes after visual-blur disturbance.

Micro-Vertical Alignment

Measures micro-vertical misalignment of the eyes.

Eye-Hand Coordination

Measures the reaction time of how quickly your eyes are triggered by a target then guide your hand to make contact.

Your objective results are presented in a one-page report for you to review with Dr. Gall.

Included is a list of aspirational eye-brain connections for your visually-fit outcomes.