Your NeuroVision Results
Box A
Score 96 - 100
No Significant NeuroVision Symptoms
Your aspirational outcome may be to live your best visually-fit life
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Box B
Score 85 - 95
Limited NeuroVision Symptoms
Humans are not "perfect" and better vision means a better life and health. Boost and top-up your NeuroVision reserve for this digital age.
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Box C
Score 76 - 84
Some NeuroVision Symptoms
There are visual distortions limiting your performance in life. Your aspirational visually-fit goal would benefit from boosting your eye-brain connection with NeuroVision care.
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Box D
Score 65 -75
Significant NeuroVision Symptoms
Significant visual distortion patterns are preventing efficient eye-brain connections and best performance in life. Improve your quality and performance in life with NeuroVision care.
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Box E
Score 0-64
Very Significant NeuroVision Symptoms
Very Significant NeuroVision symptoms significantly reduced eye-brain connection. Extremely low NeuroVision reserves for this digital age Strongly consider NeuroVison care to reach your aspirational goal of well-balanced visually-fit.
Next Steps
Next Steps For Your NeuroVision Screening
1. Book Your NeuroVision Screening
Are you experiencing dizziness, headaches, anxiety, neck pain or reading difficulties?
It may be your visual distortion patterns.
2. Book Your NeuroVision Screening with a Complete Digital Eye Exam
Most people do not realize that you need over 12 different neuro-vision skills to succeed in reading, learning, sports and in life. Only one of those skills is basic visual acuity (your 20/20 eyesight).