Book Your Athlete NeuroVision Screening
Best care to unlock your full eye-brain connection and sports performance
Most athletes do not realize that you need over 12 different neuro-vision skills to succeed in sports. Only one of those skills is basic visual acuity (your 20/20 eyesight).
Do you experience inconsistent play, plateaued performance, dizziness, anxiety, trouble remembering plays or tracking players, balls or pucks?
It may be your visual distortion patterns.
After your 15 minute Athlete NeuroVision Screening your objective results are presented in a one-page report for you to review with Dr. Gall.
Included is a list of aspirational eye-brain connections for your visually-fit outcomes.
The investment for your NeuroVision Assessment is $50.
Please fill out the details below and click the send button.
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